Blog5 - Stress Management: How to Deal With it or Avoid It Guide Health Lifestyle 

Stress Management: How to Deal With it or Avoid It

Every day we meet situations that are unpleasant or force us into extreme scenes. This situation can either define us or destroy us. Most of the time, however, they cause stress; the same stress that we want to avoid. It’s also the very same stress that we usually desperately want to get rid of in our lives. Stress, however, is part of the human condition. Any situation will always cause us stress if we don’t prepare for it. To know how to deal with these situations as well as the stress…

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low back pain osteopath - Lower Back Pain: Osteopathic and preventative medicine Guide Health 

Lower Back Pain: Osteopathic and preventative medicine

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons that people consult with a health professional, such as a doctor, physical therapist, or osteopath. Unfortunately for all of us, there are many mechanical ‘weak’ points in the spine due to our upright posture and these areas easily accumulate the strains of day-to-day life, not to mention acute injuries. For many of us, even by our late twenties and early thirties there can be wearing of the joints and stiffening of the spinal muscles.  Of course, these are normal changes…

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Blog1 - Cold Turkey Help Resources: Basic Methods to Keep you Away from Tobacco Guide Health 

Cold Turkey Help Resources: Basic Methods to Keep you Away from Tobacco

Smoking, like any addiction, is pretty hard to overcome. This is true especially if you began smoking at a pretty young age. It’s that hard to avoid because you most probably learned it in the company of your peers. Fear not, however; you can avoid smoking and finally drop it with a bit of help. Take a look at some of these ideas and see if this works for your journey toward throwing that last pack of smokes in the trash. A quick, but effective, method To quit smoking is a monumental effort…

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